Friday, April 22, 2011

The Characteristics of Online Life

I am a member of Generation X, not Generation F, but I really appreciated the article on the 12 characteristics of online life that are fundamental concepts for Generation F. I am an avid user of the internet for many things, and I've seen these characteristics in action in many different forums. Here are the characteristics that most resonated for me:

  • Tasks are chosen, not assigned. Having worked as a manager for many years, I saw for myself that people tend to be drawn to the things they are "good at", and when I let people focus on those things that made them feel confident and successful, they WERE confident and successful. There's certainly always a place for people to stretch and be challenged, but it's also true that no matter how hard you push and pull, a square peg just doesn't fit into a round hole and that's okay. Self-selection of tasks can be a good thing.

  • Resources get attracted, not allocated. The same way people are drawn to tasks that make them feel confident and successful, the momentum that's generated will build on itself to create more success. "The web is a market economy where millions of individuals get to decide, moment by moment, how to spend the precious currency of their time and attention" (Hamel 2010). I think that in the future, as our options continue to expand exponentially, time and attention will be the most precious commodity.

  • Intrinsic rewards matter most. "Money's great, but so are recognition and the joys of accomplishment" (Hamel 2010). Truer words were never spoken, and if more managers recognized this, there would be many more satisfied and engaged employees of all generations out there.


  1. I really appreciate recognition and joys of accomplishment, but I know people still need the living wage. Both makes the job heavenly!

  2. I wonder about competition though. Although in the office setting, it may sometimes be damaging, will it play out the same online or will it be more enjoyable?

  3. The joys of accomplishments are and important part of life. I do think that more managers need to take a modern day business class. In the classroom this concept is taught from day one. You get more flies with honey right?

  4. There are so many TV shows and movies about disgruntled cubicle workers. They are a shout out to that the worker bee in the hive is outdated. A lot of these folks are now accessing FB during work (if they aren't blocked) instead of working, maybe their bosses will get the hint and restructure the work place more democratically? It will happen...but, when... that is the question.
